9.5.1. Scripts

9.5.2. Script Actions

Table 9.34: Supported actions for script commands

create … [line]

Add a line to the end of the script. Whenlineis passed, it adds

the line on the given line number instead.

view …

View the lines of the script in chat.

remove … [line]

Remove the entire script or a given line.

info …

List metadata and comments about the script.

export …

Export the script to hastebin. (See Hastebin (link) for more


import …<id>

Import the script from hastebin.idis the identifier of your

hastebin script, and must be passed. (See Hastebin (link) for more



Copies all scripts in a WorldEdit selected area to the players

clipboard, relative to the position of the player. Scripts in the

copied area that are removed or not present upon pasting, will

not be pasted.

wipe <type>

Removes all scripts of the given script type in a WorldEdit

selected area.

paste <type>

Pastes all scripts of the given script type relative to the new

location. (Offsets are calculated from the copy position and then

reapplied from the new position).

count <type>

Counts the amount of scripts of the given script type in the

WorldEdit selected area.


Undos the last script creation, removal, edit, import or export.

Currently not supported for any commands involving Functions,

Constructors or Methods. Stores up to 10 actions.

9.5.3. Script Types

Table 9.35: Supported Script types

interact [x y z] [world]

Binds to a script triggered

when the player interacts

with a block. Optionally

attached to x, y, z in world.

walk [x y z] [world]

Binds to a script triggered

when the player walks over a

block. Optionally attached

to x, y, z in world.

ground [x y z] [world]

Binds to a script triggered

when the player is on the

ground. Optionally attached

to x, y, z in world.

entity [uuid] [world]

Binds to a script triggered

when the player interacts

with an entity. Script is

removed once the entity dies.

Optionally attached to a

specific UUID in world.

area <region>

Binds to a script triggered

once when a player enters an

area. Attached to a

WorldGuard region.

function<namespace> <function>

Binds to a function explicitly

called from within other

scripts or expressions.

method <namespace> <Type> <method>

Binds to a method explicitly

called with an instance of


constructor<namespace> <Constructor Signature>

Binds to a constructor

explicitly called when

constructing an instance.

Constructor Signatureserves

to distinguish multiple

constructors with different


9.5.4. Script Operators

Table 9.36: Command Script operators


Execute a command as the player. Can only execute the

commands the player can also execute.


Execute a command as the player in an elevated

position. Allows the execution of most admin



Execute a command as the console. Allows the

execution of all admin commands, but not those relative

to the player.

Table 9.37: Chat Script operators

@chatscript <group> <time> <function>

Binds a function to the following

@player message. When the message is

clicked in chat, it will be executed.

Chatscript runs out whentimeruns

out, or if a chatscript ofgroupwas

already clicked.


Sends a message to the player in chat.

Supports color codes prefixed with the

character ’&’.

@prompt<time> <variable>[message]

Stores the next message the player

types in chat in the variable. Prompt

ends when time runs out, with the

given optional message. Defaults to

Prompt expired. Message supports

color codes with &.

Table 9.38: Variable Script operators


Sets the namespace for the following

lines. The script can then use the

variables and functions from the

namespace. Note that the variables in

the local namespace will always override

variables from an @using namespace.

@define<Type> <name>[= expression]

Defines a variable in the local


@var [name =]<expression>

Performs an expression or assigns a

variable to the result of an expression.

Table 9.39: Control Script operators


Delays the execution of the rest of the script by a

specified amount.


Disallows the executor to re-execute the script for a

specified amount of time. When used in functions,

terminates the calling script when the function is on



Disallows all players to execute the script for a specified

amount of time. When used in functions, terminates

the calling script when the function is on cooldown.


Cancels the interaction between player and the object

the script is bound to. Only has effect before any

@delay, @prompt, @command, @console or @bypass


@return [expression]

Stops the execution of the current script/function, and

optionally returns a value, if required.


By default, the @command, @bypass or @console script operators have

a one-tick delay (like @delay 1). @fast will remove that delay for all

subsequent command operators.


Re-adds the delay that was removed with @fast. Note that this

effect (@fast and @slow) only applies to the local execution

context - other functions called will be unaffected.

Table 9.40: Branching Script operators


Conditionally evaluate the following section of the script if

the operand is (or evaluates to) true.


Evaluate the following section of the script if the preceding

@if was false.


Conditionally evaluate the following section of the script if

the preceding @if was false, and the operand is (or evaluates

to) true.


Ends a conditional section.

Table 9.41: Misc Script operators

@undefined No operation.

May sometimes appear on legacy scripts. Can be used

as a comment for complex lines or scripts.